
Caroline Goldsmith


Caroline Goldsmkith

Caroline Goldsmith is now on the practitioner board

To book a consultation ring  087 387 6841

Caroline has been in private practice for over 15 years diagnosing and treating thousands of cases of Aspergers, Autism, ASD, ADHD and a full range of health conditions. This vast experience forms the basis of expertise in diagnostics and intervention.   Female Aspergers is a particular speciality, as this is often missed or misdiagnosed especially as girls mature and adapt.

Caroline has long been an advocate for the term neuro-diversity rather than dysfunction.

Currently involved in research through a London University in the newest field of psychology, termed ‘positive psychology’ Caroline finds it is very exciting to be involved in such a new and evolving field and  being part of shaping the future of the discipline.  The appeal of this new branch is the focus on what could be possible with optimum function, rather than the preoccupation with dysfunction which has been the case for over a century.  It is about the exploration of potential and what a person could possibly be capable of, rather than just identifying what they can’t do.

To book a consultation ring  087 387 6841

Caroline was recently published in the Journal of Neurology and Stroke, stating “There is a suicidal crisis in Ireland which is very concerning and I wanted to investigate that and see if there was anything that could be done from an early age in school to prevent children from becoming hopeless.  My colleague and mentor Dr Tim Lomas was hugely influential and enabled a great framework with his clear direction to showcase positive psychology  ideas.”


Caroline Ward-Goldsmith MBPsS                                                                            Researcher MAPP – University of East London   

Read the article here…

Personal and Collective Resilience Building – a Suicide Prevention Program using Positive Psychology. Consultancy Project for an Irish Secondary School  – Caroline Ward-Goldsmith & Tim Lomas             JNSK March 2016